You could have the most wonderful trailer in the country, but unless people know about it and we can easily recruit, you are wasting your time. So you need to sell your trailer rental business effectively. So from near home to get his trailer and see where you can place an advertisement that is available to rent. Get a sign of bad weather to size and mounted on it. Then let you all know that now you have a rental trailer. Talk with them, phone, text, and send them via email. You or your family is going around your village, town or district, with flyers in their hands and post them through letter boxes. Arrange for teens to do it for you at an affordable price. Contact your local newsagent and ask if your child deliver the fly paper at the time the newspapers.
Contact your local newspaper and see if you can arrange for your brochure that will be included in each edition. Leave flyers where people congregate - taxi offices, takeaway shops and DIY stores. Leave your flyer card or smaller in all the supermarkets in his district - remember to call every 10 days to raise another one.Go to local libraries and put your ad on their bulletin board.
In local stores arrange for your ad to put in your window for a small fee per month. If you have more money to spend on marketing could arrange with your local taxi company to have advertising on their cabs. The same goes for local bus companies. Visit your local skip hire business and come to some agreement to have its advertising business with them. This way any person to hire a container may also want to hire a trailer.
Next to move in line possibilities. In a country like Australia, there are groups of google. The two groups that want to send messages (Ads) are - and Cheapcycle Freecycle. The first, Freecycle has allsorts of household and other items available for people to gain, for free. Some of these items are large, too large to load into a car. These people will be reluctant to pay the disposal fee business. They want inexpensive, as soon as possible. It's the same with Cheapcycle, although these costs to their customers, they still want a discount rental transport.